Success stories of Madavi
Find out how our solutions have generated extraordinary results.

Red Eléctrica
Red Eléctrica de España needed to accelerate the development of its strategic infrastructure plan at three times the usual pace to support the energy transition.
The result was exactly what Red Eléctrica was looking for: the strategy is being successfully implemented and the infrastructure plan is progressing as planned.

ACCIÓ needed to transform itself to consolidate its leadership in business services and create an environment where talent could flourish and change could be implemented quickly and effectively.
A key aspect of this challenge was to actively engage all levels of the organisation in the transformation.

The objective was to fully optimize the new channel strategy, structured around the five “Must Win Battles” (MWBs) defined by Pepsico’s headquarters in the U.S. The goal was to effectively and quickly engage everyone directly or indirectly involved with the channel. Pepsico achieved a 4-point increase in DTS market share.
This success was achieved because of the hundreds of people who influence channel management with very diverse and closely interconnected roles: from the CEO to the delivery drivers.

Design and deploy Danonino’s global marketing strategy in a way that integrates the global vision with local realities. Include for the first time the Danone Manifesto.

Fast Track Asia
Accelerate the expansion of Botify in Asia, one of the companies in which Fast Track had invested.

To bring an innovative approach that is scalable for the group’s 361 shops and 25,000 employees. SONAE MC wanted to transform its culture and customer relations, with the aim of increasing sales, improving employee and customer satisfaction.

Massimo Dutti
Massimo Dutti wanted to boost its growth in the face-to-face channel through Style Advisors. To achieve this, they sought to revolutionise this new figure, which is key to the customer experience.

Revolution Fnac
FNAC sought to increase the sale of value-added services, in a highly competitive environment, with the aim of improving margins.

Vegalsa – The will of many
Design and implement a unique management model that enables management’s strategy to be translated quickly and effectively to the customer touch point, creating a competitive advantage that is difficult to imitate.
Key metrics focused on customer experience, loyalty, sales, share and margin.