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Facilitator of change or consultant?

Facilitator of change or consultant?


Little by little the term “Facilitator of change” is becoming known and accepted in the corporate world through companies such as Madavi, the YES Company, who are dedicated to accelerating and making easier the transformation of companies. But, nevertheless, the word “facilitator” generates some confusion. Frequently they ask us: a facilitator is the same as a consultant?

Let us shed some clarity on the issue: A consultant is a professional who advises professionally on matters which he/she are experts on; they use their knowledge to help other people and/or organizations. That is to say that the objective of a consultancy firm is to help the client in a matter in which they do not have sufficient knowledge to solve it themselves. They diagnose problems; supply the improvements that need to be introduced; outline the road map …

The facilitator makes change easy.

The facilitator is responsable for making it easy; “we make the change easy”, as we say in Madavi.

In Madavi our starting point is that we believe that each person has something unique and valuable to offer; we believe firmly in the collective intelligence of our clients, “between us all we know it all”.

Our proposal of value is to align these strengths towards aspirations in el sense of opportunities.

We facilitate the transformation of your company in three steps:

1. Start with the “pioneers”, which is a group that represents the whole system that is going to be transformed. They have all the necessary strengths.

In a  Summit, we gather together virtually or physically and simultaneously all the people involved in the success interact. A figure of between 30 and 200 people during 2 or 3 days.

2. We mobilise everyone in the same direction, in order to multiply the energy for change and so that everyone can be a protagonist. It is movement that generates movement.

With each Impulse, we meet virtually or in person and simultaneously all the people involved in the success interact. Between 50 and 300 people during 1 to 1,5 days each time.

3. The third phase is carried out for the most part in the day to day, in smaller groups, in shorter time frames and self-generated spaces. By acting repetitively, the change becomes irreversible and self-propelled.

To sum up, our proposal as facilitators is “to change the way in which we change”.  “For what type of company is this valid”?  Can it be applied to a team?  How does one start this type of transformation?  How long does it take? These questions are answered here.