Aligning the strengths of the entire ecosystem so that the Spanish hotel sector can be the most competitive in the world

experiencia cliente sector turismo post

The hotel sector is facing major challenges, arising from sustainability and new technologies – especially Artificial Intelligence and Big Data – among others. How can it successfully respond to these challenges? What strategies does the sector need for its future sustainability?

ITH, the Hotel Technological Institute, is the hotel sector’s response to the challenges that technological advances pose for entrepreneurs in the tourism industry.

Now they are immersed in a process of change, and on this path, they have turned to Madavi to visualize and co-create future opportunities.

The project that we have developed with ITH has confirmed a wonderful reality, and that is:  the power of an ecosystem when everyone who is part of that ecosystem interacts together.

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The ITH opportunity map for a successful future of the hotel sector

We involved the entire ecosystem that is part of ITH in the project: hotels, technology companies and hotel associations. We applied Appreciative Inquiry, investigating with more than 100 people (from all backgrounds), to create a collective vision of the future. And with what emerged from that investigation, we generated a map of opportunities, which focuses on:

– Generating positive impact on the planet, the community, the client and on internal processes, on employees.

– The launch of an Observatory for macrotrends in the sector.

– Process automation – robotization, and

– The creation of a hotel lab, which incorporates all the latest technologies and serves as the spearhead for the next level.

These areas of opportunity have just been presented at the Fitur trade fair, the sector’s major annual event.

What is really notable about the project is that these opportunities were co-created using the collective intelligence and action of the entire ecosystem, with spectacular results. Their mission: to contribute, aligning the strengths of the participants -the ecosystem- so that the Spanish hotel sector can be the most competitive, profitable and admired in the world.






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