Friselva - Life Stories
The challenge
Friselva sought to engage its 1,000 workers in a reflection process to optimize operational processes, while fostering a deeper connection between people and an authentic understanding of their motivations.
How we did it
To achieve the inclusion of everyone, it was essential to have numerous allies. For this reason, we trained 100 people, from more than 20 countries and different departments, as Appreciative Facilitators. In just 3 weeks, these facilitators interviewed all of their colleagues to learn about their life stories and personal dreams.
We generated a collective conversation about the different realities that coexisted in the company and the motivations of the 1,000 people who make it up, from the offices to the cutting room.
The personal stories became the basis of a process to define concrete initiatives that would improve the work and lives of the people of Friselva.
The impact
The impact was very profound, it is very difficult to explain. Watch the attached video.
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