Entries by Iciar Sanz

Cinco Días: “The ‘perfect disorder’ approach of Fernando Iglesias”

With the title “The ‘perfect disorder’ approach of Fernando Iglesias” (La apuesta por el perfecto desorden de Fernando Iglesias, in the original Spanish), the newspaper Cinco Días has published a conversation between Fernando Iglesias, CEO of Madavi The Yes Company, and the journalist Juanma Romero. We reproduce the content of the interview below, translated into […]

Aligning the strengths of the entire ecosystem so that the Spanish hotel sector can be the most competitive in the world

The hotel sector is facing major challenges, arising from sustainability and new technologies – especially Artificial Intelligence and Big Data – among others. How can it successfully respond to these challenges? What strategies does the sector need for its future sustainability? ITH, the Hotel Technological Institute, is the hotel sector’s response to the challenges that […]

Our resolution for 2024: Make a more appreciative world!

Make a more appreciative world! That is our resolution and wish for 2024. What is it that joins companies and people together? They both need a resolution or goal for the future. Without a clear goal, companies have no defined direction, while people feel lost in their personal and professional lives. A goal doesn’t has […]

Do you want to improve your change processes? Discover SOAR

In an increasingly competitive business world, companies need tools and methodologies that allow them to reach their objectives effectively and efficiently. In different articles, we have talked about some of these methodologies, specifically those used by Madavi, due to their magnificent results: Appreciative Inquiry, Positive Deviation, Expansive Circle, Conversations Worth Having, SOAR, Focus on Solution […]

How Appreciative Inquiry impacts on culture and business

To write this post, we carried out a simple exercise: a Google search for headlines in newspapers and blogs around the world that include the term “Appreciative Inquiry”. Here are the top 10 results of our search: “How Appreciative Inquiry is changing the success of an organization”. “Experience the benefits of Appreciative Inquiry today”. “How […]

How do you put the employee at the centre of your strategy?

Placing employees at the centre of the organization, “employee-centricity” has become a fundamental aspect for organizations. What is there in common between Eroski, Trops, Red Eléctrica, Danone, Vegalsa and Artiem, for example? There is one trait – among others, of course – that these companies, clients of Madavi, all share: a differential focus on people. […]