Modulating speed to accelerate results
01 July, 2021
If you want your organization to change more rapidly and reach further, join appreciative inquiry!
30 June, 2021
Middle management, towards a facilitating leadership
25 May, 2021
The orientation of the client, how to tackle this challenge successfully?
13 May, 2021
Purpose is what really differentiates a company
09 April, 2021
What for? Where to? Until when? Reflections of Cristina Sendino on Flexibility
18 March, 2021
Sessions online Madavi, as good or better than face-to-face
18 March, 2021
How to achieve an exceptional service for the Customer (CS) in 3 phases
13 January, 2021
Boosting Sales in 3 phases
18 December, 2020